


near Slakweg and the corner of Toekomstweg, 7011 ET Gaanderen
GPX: 51.92560892593997, 6.339992811042628

This company was founded in 1821 on the Akkermansbeek–Oude IJssel. It was the last established iron foundry in this region to smelt iron ore—with a charcoal-fired blast furnace and waterwheel. Production included all kinds of castings such as street gullies, grids, pans and stoves.

Later, in 1860, the company expanded to include an enamelling department and a sheet metal workshop. Around 1900, the Oude IJssel was diverted to create mooring for boats, and a private branch was added to the Doetinchem–Terborg railway line. And so it grew into a large company; in its heyday at the beginning of the last century, it employed around 1,000 people.

After the Second World War, the company concentrated on producing stoves and fireplaces, but it could not escape the difficulties of the iron industry in the 1970s. The company came to a sad end in 1977, precipitated by financial malpractice in which the company management was involved. The buildings were demolished, but the site was never cleaned up. Since then, a new metal company has settled there: Forga, forcing company Gaanderen.

A cast-iron memorial that hardly does justice to the grand history of this former blast furnace/iron foundry/enamel factory/plate works can be found at the bridge over the Akkermansbeek.

Places of interest in the area
On the road from Vulcaansoord to De Lovink:

Hotel-Restaurant De Roode Leeuw, Sint Jorisplein 14 - Terborg

Hotel Brasserie Restaurant De Roode Leeuw is beautifully situated centrally in the industrial town of Terborg. The convenient location, authentic warm décor and excellent cuisine make De Roode Leeuw an internationally respected hotel and a wonderful venue for any time of day, whether you come for a cup of coffee, lunch, drinks, or an extensive dinner.
